Vancouver Family & Divorce Lawyers | Henderson Heinrichs LLP

Search Results for: division of property

Dos and don’ts of dividing digital property in a divorce

Dividing property can be the most complex and contentious part of a divorce. Not only is there money and property on the line, but the resulting agreement can have a tremendous impact on a person’s financial stability after a divorce. [ full post]

Deciding how to divide personal property in a divorce

Take a minute and think about all the things you own. You probably start thinking about homes and cars you have, but also think about everything in your home, your garage and any storage facilities you might have. These items [ full post]

How do we divide property in a British Columbia divorce?

When you end your marriage or common-law partnership, dividing your property can be one of the most contentious elements of the split. Property can represent both a financial and emotional investment, and parties typically want to protect those investments.

As [ full post]

Unmarried? You can still take steps to protect your property

Deciding not to get married doesn’t mean that couples are not committed to each other.

However, if these relationships end, parties can face similar challenges to people who get divorced, including who gets to keep which property. This is especially [ full post]