Vancouver Family & Divorce Lawyers | Henderson Heinrichs LLP

Search Results for: division of property

Pension and RRSP Division

Comprehensive Legal Advice For Dividing Pensions And RRSPs

Pensions and retirement plans are specific types of accounts that are not treated the same way as other assets during separation and divorce proceedings. When dividing these assets, you must comply with

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Dividing Personal Property

How To Divide Personal Property After A Divorce Or Separation

Dividing shared personal property can be a complicated task – while some property can be divided easily, others require skilled negotiation tactics and further calculations to arrive at reasonable solutions.

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Foreign Property

The existence of property located outside of British Columbia presents a number of unique problems for issues of property division that are not engaged when all of the parties’ assets are located in British Columbia. These problems are present, though

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Equal or Unequal Division of Assets

Family property and debt must be divided equally following a divorce or separation unless an equal division would be significantly unfair. However, the Supreme Court of British Columbia has wide discretion to divide family property and debt unequally if the

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What is family property?

Dividing property in a divorce or separation can cause stress and concern for many people.

Add in confusion over what is and is not eligible for division and people can get overwhelmed. However, learning what to expect from the process [ full post]