Categorized: Agreements, Contact, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Parenting Time.
Tags: Agreements, Borders, Contact, International, Orders, Parenting time, Quarantine.
Divorce law blog
Author: Kevin Heinrichs
Under normal circumstances, parents are able to decide who will be with them when they spend time with their children. Sometimes, though, in very rare and exceptional circumstances, courts can require that a parent’s time with his or her children [ full post]
Categorized: Children's Issues, Custody and Access, Parenting Time, Supervision.
Tags: Supervised Access; Supervised Parenting Time; Supervision; Custody; Access;.
The Supreme Court of British Columbia is slowly opening its doors again to regular applications for family law files. On March 27, 2020, the court initially shut down for all but urgent application due to COVID-19 health and safety concerns. [ full post]
Categorized: COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Family Court.
As we drag ourselves past the first month of COVID-19 isolation, some of the potential ramifications are starting to come into focus. Every area of life is affected – every job, every social interaction, every plan and arrangement that people [ full post]
Categorized: COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
In Part 1 of “Ten Documents You Should Keep Close If You’re Getting A Divorce”, we discussed the importance of documents in divorce proceedings including: financial account statements, property documents, marriage documents, corporate records and agreements, contracts and court [ full post]
Categorized: British Columbia, Divorce.