How Do You Respond to a Non-disclosing Party?
In November 2009, we posted an article on what you can do when the other side won’t give you the documents you need to determine their income. In that article, we referred [ full post]
Categorized: Agreements, British Columbia, Child Support, Contracts, Costs, Division of Property, Property Division, Vancouver.
“I just want to get it over with”: Rushing to sign a separation agreement can be costly
Divorce and common law separations can be complicated. It can take more time and cost more money than you expect, which is why [ full post]
Categorized: Agreements, British Columbia, Commentary, Contracts, Dispute Resolution, Division of Property, Divorce, Family Law, Procedure, Property Division, Separation, Vancouver.
Judicial Case Conferences (JCCs) are a key part of the litigation process in family law Supreme Court proceedings in British Columbia.
What is a JCC?
A JCC is an informal meeting between you, your Ex, and your respective lawyers (if [ full post]
Categorized: British Columbia, Family Law, Procedure.
One of the most daunting tasks a lawyer can assign a client is the completion of a Form 8 Financial Statement (in the case of a Provincial Court action, this is called a Form 4 Financial Statement). The Form 8 [ full post]
Categorized: British Columbia, Family Court, Income, Procedure.
What exactly is a Form 8 and what is it meant to achieve?
A Form 8 Financial Statement is a Supreme Court form used in British Columbia by family law litigants to exchange financial information. It has 6 parts: 1) [ full post]
Categorized: British Columbia, Family Law, Finances, Initial Information, Property Division.