Family, Real Estate, Wills & Estates | Heinrichs Richards LLP

Parental Alienation and Estrangement

Written by: Kevin Heinrichs (View All Posts • View Bio ) Published: February 17, 2015
Categorized: Parenting, Parenting Time.

Parental alienation and/ or estrangement cases are some of the hardest cases to deal with. While there may be various and often complex reasons a child refuses contact with a parent, there are many studies that show long terms effects are harmful and often devastating later in life to those children if the alienation and estrangement are not properly dealt with.

There are many options available to parents who are facing these challenges during or even after a separation and divorce.   The courts can intervene and make orders as necessary, and often make orders for parenting time that are supervised and gradual.  The courts also often combine gradual supervised parenting time with orders for counselling.

There are also out of court options, including referrals to teams of highly skilled and highly trained individuals that specialize in re-integration and reunification therapy. These involve team based approaches so all members of the family are fully supported and helped through the most challenging and trying times.  These processes are child focused and customized for each individual child and circumstances to maximise the successful re unification and integration of the children and parent.  Both the rejected and favoured parents are given the skills and resources they need to work hand in hand with their child thereby fully supporting the entire family system.

It is essential to act quickly and not allow lengthy delays to worsen the situation and to plan effectively so that the rejected parent is able to get the child and themselves the supports that are necessary to quickly and effectively re-build and re –establish healthy, happy relationships with their children.

If you would like more information about parental alienation or estrangement and ways in which we can help you deal with it, please contact the lawyers at Henderson Heinrichs LLP to discuss further.

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