Vancouver Family & Divorce Lawyers | Henderson Heinrichs LLP

Spousal Support Obligations

Understanding Spousal Support Obligations

There are no exact rules to determine if you will be obligated to pay spousal support following a divorce or separation. Support is not a right – one spouse has to prove a financial disadvantage after the end of the relationship in order to request spousal support.

The family lawyers of Henderson Heinrichs LLP know how difficult it can be to get your life back on track after the end of a relationship. Our legal team will help you navigate through any spousal support claims so you can move forward following a separation or divorce.

Applying Spousal Support Guidelines

Our legal team will assist you with determining if you are required to pay spousal support to your spouse. British Columbia generally treats married couples and long-term common-law couples the same. Common-law couples in shorter relationships do not have the same protections as married couples.

Personal details and financial backgrounds are different in each case, so what may have worked for someone you know may not necessarily make sense in your situation.

There are spousal support guidelines available from the federal government. However, these guidelines are not laws, and are generally applied along with other specific factors present in your situation.

Determining If You Need To Pay Spousal Support

At Henderson Heinrichs LLP, our family lawyers will advise you on whether the opposing party has a case against you, and the strength of your position to refute any spousal support requests. If you are required to pay spousal support, we will advocate on your behalf for a reasonable support payment.

Our lawyers will identify the best ways to pay this amount – in small increments or in large lump sums. We will also determine the duration of the payments, and whether or not the amounts can be changed or stopped in the future.

Get Answers. Protect Your Interests. Call Our Firm.

Call 1-844-669-3500 and make an appointment to discuss your divorce or separation issues with our family lawyers. You can also arrange a free half hour consultation by filling out our online booking form.