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Children’s issues: Raising kids with trust instead of fear

Written by: HHLaw (View All Posts ) Published: April 9, 2020
Categorized: Children's Issues.

Parenting with Trust

Parents want to keep their children safe from harm. British Columbia law makes it clear that when it comes to children’s issues, it is incumbent upon everyone to act in the best interests of their children. Parents who trust their children allow them to make age-appropriate decisions about their lives and offer help when needed, but other parents are overprotective and overly involved in everything their children do.

Some parents think there are potential dangers lurking around every corner when it comes to their children. There are many pressures on parents today, but there are also pressures on children coming from parents who are overbearing or who won’t let their children pave their own road. Experts have various names for these types of parents: helicopter parents, snowplow parents, fuel-injector parents, tiger parents and defensive parents.

Trustful parenting doesn’t equal absolute permissive parenting. Children in trusting families learn that people must abide by rules and that people have rights as they have certain rights. When parents act in this fashion, their children are likely to model this behaviour. Most parents do the best they can with the tools they have.

Helping Parents Move Forward

Children in British Columbia do have rights. Some parents don’t know what those rights entail. Speaking to an experienced family lawyer about children’s issues and how the law plays into children’s lives might help a client to understand the merits of doing what is best for his or her children. A family lawyer has an arsenal of tools to help a parent in situations when the law comes into play like child custody or co-parenting plans.

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