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Children’s issues: Parents who date after divorce

Written by: HHLaw (View All Posts ) Published: April 6, 2020
Categorized: Children's Issues.
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Most couples who divorce have children. Children’s issues in British Columbia seem to be numerous when kids’ parents are going through the divorce process or have gone through it. It takes a while for children to adjust to new situations, but what happens when one parent decides to start dating again after having divorced? How will this decision affect the children?

Life doesn’t stop after a divorce. Many people make the decision to date after separating or divorcing in the hopes of finding a new life partner. It’s a delicate area and one of which parents need to be extremely cautious when it comes to their children — especially when they’re younger and in their early teens. Introducing a romantic interest into the family mix can be challenging and daunting. In fact, experts say having a parent find a new partner can even be harder on them than the divorce was.

All kinds of issues can surface in this scenario including a child’s need to stay loyal to his or her biological parent. One major piece of advice on which most experts agree is not introducing someone a parent is casually dating to a child, but waiting until that relationship becomes more permanent. In this new situation, a parent must think of the best interests of his or her children and take things slowly and thoughtfully.

Resolving Children’s Family Law Issues

There are family law rules in British Columbia that speak to children’s issues such as these. An experienced family lawyer may be able to provide advice on how a client can best act in the best interests of his or her children while adhering to any orders in place resulting from a divorce. Those orders could include those associated with child custody and/or visitation.

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