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Children’s issues: Abuse cases expected to rise amid pandemic

Written by: HHLaw (View All Posts ) Published: March 23, 2020
Categorized: Children's Issues.
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There is nothing more important than the welfare of a child. Amid a worldwide pandemic now taking place, the local area is more mindful of children’s issues and agencies acting as watchdogs for kids are bracing for increased incidents of abuse as they reduce services and the numbers of employees who work these cases. The government has advised people to stay at home and schools are also closed, and for some children being at home all the time is not safe or healthy.

Self-isolation for some children is incredibly difficult. Everyone is in the same space at the same time and many kids don’t take kindly to changes in routine. The whole situation is stressful for all concerned, but add to that abuse issues and the situation could be extremely volatile.

If home is a place where a child is exposed to abuse and domestic violence, being isolated there could mean increased risk. Those advocating for children are worried there won’t be enough social workers to meet the demand for a heightened caseload. Programs for children at children’s centres have been suspended until further notice.

It is incumbent upon local residents who report suspected child abuse incidents. Getting feedback from a lawyer experienced in children’s issues might be a wise idea in these circumstances. A lawyer will always offer advice in keeping what he or she believes are in the best interests of a child.

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