Selfies are an invention of the latter part of this decade. These photos posted on a myriad of social media sites can actually be a teaching tool when it comes to certain children’s issues surrounding divorce — like co-parenting. Selfies can show British Columbia residents that having an amicable divorce is, indeed, possible and that co-parenting children positively is also possible.
Social Media and Divorce
Statistics show that nearly five million Canadians have separated or divorced over the last two decades. About four in 10 of those couples had young children. Divorce brings with it many adjustments, especially for kids. But when they see their parents making an effort to get along — which can be accomplished by posting on social media since most children are privy to these sites — it may help them to get through some emotional times. Visit our article “Four Social Media Mistakes To Avoid if You Are Divorcing” to learn important tips.
Having parents be civil to each other, experts say, is absolutely crucial for how a child moves forward post-divorce. Children need to know that their parents are going to work together to do what’s in their best interests. Seeing concrete evidence that their parents are being amicable with each other may help children get over their disappointment of the divorce and parental selfies can go a long way to accomplishing that.
Children’s Family Lawyers
Divorce can be difficult on children, there is no doubt. But when parents do what is in their children’s best interests, the going may be easier. A British Columbia lawyer experienced in children’s issues may be able to help a client in such a circumstance by offering advice and guidance on important issues like child custody and child support and providing ongoing support every step of the way.