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Family law: Divorcing couples seeking ways other than court

Written by: HHLaw (View All Posts ) Published: August 25, 2019
Categorized: Family Law.

The road to divorce is rarely an easy one. The rules that govern divorce in British Columbia fall under family law. Most couples want as seamless and as stress-free a divorce as possible, and that is why many couples are choosing alternative methods to come to divorce settlements. Very rarely do couples choose litigation to iron out their differences regarding things like support and division of assets.

Some couples choose to work with mediators to iron out difficult issues on which they can’t seem to agree. Mediation is especially helpful when children are involved. A mediator can help a couple to come to an agreement on issues like child custody and parenting, child support, spousal support and asset division. Each spouse can have his or her lawyer involved in the process.

Collaborative divorce is also another alternative method to court. It is similar to mediation since spouses are trying to avoid a court battle; however, the process is different from traditional mediation. With collaborative law, each person hires his or her own lawyer to advise and help them to resolve divorce-related issues and to reach a settlement. Each person meets with his or her own lawyer, and then all meet together to try to come to some consensus.

To make a divorce as easy as possible, British Columbia residents may find answers to sometimes confusing issues from a lawyer experienced in provincial family law. Although each couple’s circumstances may be unique, there are family law tools that may make the divorce process less rigorous, like mediation or collaborative divorce. A lawyer can point those out to a client, so he or she can make informed decisions.

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