Family, Real Estate, Wills & Estates | Heinrichs Richards LLP

British Columbia family law: The notice of attachment form

Written by: HHLaw (View All Posts ) Published: August 11, 2019
Categorized: Family Law.

There are many things that go hand in hand with being divorced or separated. There are so many terms and documents that are connected with British Columbia family law in this respect. Take, for instance, a notice of attachment form, which is issued when a payor of child and/or spousal support is in arrears with payments. This form needs to be filled out by those who owe a payor money so that a portion or all money owed to the payor can be paid to the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP). This is also known as a garnishment.

A payor’s money can come from a number of sources. They can include a place of employment, pensions or workers’ compensation benefits. Other areas which can be garnished are funds obtained from rental property, banks accounts, ICBC claims or disability payments. Attachees must respond to all notices of attachment and send payments on behalf of the recipient to the FMEP.

When an employer — or anyone who owes the payor money — receives a notice of attachment regarding a payor, the business should never act unduly against a payor by way of termination, discipline or discrimination. An employer should also never take direction from a payor employee regarding a notice of attachment. Instructions should only come from the FMEP.

A lawyer who has experience with family law rules in British Columbia can enlighten a client on those things that accompany important issues like child support and spousal support. Clients may not know about documents like notices of attachment and what they mean. A lawyer can bring some clarity to things that are confusing when it comes to family law.

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